Moving to a new area is a stressful process. There are many factors to review including quality of local schools, local amenities, crime levels, taxes and commuting to work. Below you will find important Andover MA Home Buyer Relocation Advice.
School Rankings and Andover MA Home Prices
The ranking of a school system is very important for both families with school-age kids and those without. A high quality school system has a positive impact on property prices, as well as property appreciation. Be sure to research local schools before your home search. Online resources are also useful. One site with school information is
Andover MA Amenities
The location of recreational facilities, shopping, and other amenities are important to know and may affect your quality of life. Sites like provide the proximity of entertainment venues, shopping, medical facilities, restaurants, and banks in relation to a specific address. Be sure to make a list of the preferred amenities and pass on that list to your real estate agent if it is a critical piece in your neighborhood selection.
Crime Rates in Andover MA
Crime rates in a community can have an effect on home values, as well as the overall the quality of the area. Inquire at the local police department for details or check crime websites like There are also smart phone mobile apps that give similar information.
Andover MA Real Estate Taxes
Property tax rates may differ greatly among communities and significantly impact recurring housing cost. Property tax records are public information and are often available online, at municipal offices, or through a local Realtor or Mortgage Broker. When researching affordability of an area, be sure to evaluate figures for both mortgage payments and property taxes.
Travel Time to Employment
The distance to major highways can impact both real estate prices and commute time. Living close to highways has its pros and cons but may elevate value to homes in certain instances or will lower it in others. Speak to a local Realtor about this. You might have to find middle ground between commuting time and property prices.
Andover MA Home Buyer Relocation Advice
Real estate agents will be a helpful resource when it comes to Andover MA home buyer relocation advice. They are familiar with the neighborhoods, understand the local trends, and will make the home buying experience much less complicated. Let me put my knowledge to work for you. Reach me, Scott Strang at Scott Gregory Group, by calling 781-646-7600 or emailing